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My hand can't react

crashes a lot, and doesn't say what to do when the game starts becoming a game of pressing random buttons on the pc


Hiiii, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful to you ^^

-The concept of the game is really good, and it is an interesting aproach for a musical game ^^

-The gameplay mechanics are very straight forward and fun :)

-The visual style is very good, but what I like the most is the main cinematic :)

Hopefully this is useful to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)


Abolutely!! Thank you so much for your feedbacks, expressed in a positive tone, and we're really happy you enjoyed our game! ♥

(also, notice there are 2 more levels below in the map that can still be played :p)

You are welcome ^^


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So much fun game amazing music and mechanics good job dev :D 

Thank you


